Western Digital Recognized as One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for Fourth Year in a Row

Achievement Spotlights How Business Integrity and Corporate Citizenship Are Engrained in Company Culture

SAN JOSE, Calif. - March 15, 2022

Western Digital Corp. (NASDAQ: WDC), a leader in data infrastructure, today announced its recognition as one of the world's most ethical companies by Ethisphere. The organization defines and advances the standards of ethical business practices worldwide.

Western Digital unlocks the potential of data and champions the human potential, emphasizing the importance of high ethical standards in its business at every step.  Western Digital fosters and thrives in an environment of ethical behavior through policies and practices that have led to this repeated recognition for integrity. As global leaders in data infrastructure, stakeholder trust is paramount.

"Rather than treat ethics as simply a topic for yearly compliance training, our leadership team actively behaves and promotes an ethical workplace culture for employees worldwide," said Tiffany Scurry, SVP and Chief Compliance Officer at Western Digital. "We are proud to once again receive this recognition from Ethisphere, further underscoring the ethical responsibilities we have with our stakeholders, including employees, shareholders and the broader market."

"Ethics is a function of trust, and it's trust that guides every aspect of business – drawing from initiatives focused on people, planet and purpose," said Amita Potnis, Research Director, Future of Trust at IDC. "Earning high levels of ethics and trust year after year becomes centerstage to creating a differentiation for competitive advantage – boding well for both Western Digital Corporation and its customers."

"It goes without saying that trust is paramount to any relationship with business partners, and DDN is pleased to see Western Digital recognized for their integrity and respected position in the industry," said Kurt Kuckein, VP of Marketing at DDN. "As DDN continues to pursue new solutions for AI and other advance computing workloads, having strategic partners like Western Digital is key to accomplishing our mission."

The full list of the 2022 World's Most Ethical Companies can be found at https://worldsmostethicalcompanies.com/honorees

To learn more about Western Digital's corporate responsibility and sustainability practices, view the company's 2021 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report here: https://www.westerndigital.com/company/corporate-responsibility

About Ethisphere
Ethisphere® is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards using data-driven insights that help companies enhance corporate character and measure and improve culture. Ethisphere honors superior achievement through its World's Most Ethical Companies recognition program and provides a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA). More information about Ethisphere can be found at: https://ethisphere.com

About Western Digital
Western Digital creates environments for data to thrive. As a leader in data infrastructure, the company is driving the innovation needed to help customers capture, preserve, access and transform an ever-increasing diversity of data. Everywhere data lives, from advanced data centers to mobile sensors to personal devices, our industry-leading solutions deliver the possibilities of data. Our data-centric solutions are comprised of the Western Digital®, SanDisk®, and WD® brands.

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