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Western Digital is committed to respecting human rights throughout the world. This policy, which has been adopted by our Board of Directors, sets forth Western Digital’s expectations for respecting human rights in our operations and supply chain.
Noi di Western Digital valorizziamo il potere e le potenzialità della diversità. Crediamo che il modo più efficace di abbracciare la diversità dei clienti e dei consumatori in tutto il mondo sia quello di rispecchiarla da dentro. Ma si può fare di più. Ci impegniamo concretamente per creare un ambiente di lavoro inclusivo dove ogni individuo possa lasciar trasparire il proprio senso di appartenenza, venga trattato con rispetto e possa vivere con partecipazione le iniziative d’impresa.
La diversità è la forza che permette a Western Digital di aumentare la propria competitività e capacità di innovazione. È per questo motivo che siamo onorati di esprimere il nostro sostegno per la legge sulla parità di genere (Equality Act).
L’Equality Act mira a modificare le leggi esistenti in materia di diritti civili per fornire piena protezione ai dipendenti LGBTQ+ in tutti gli Stati Uniti, comprese le politiche antidiscriminatorie dei datori di lavoro a livello federale. Le nostre attuali politiche sono in linea con l’Equality Act, in quanto Western Digital non tollera nessuna discriminazione o disuguaglianza.
Western Digital adotta un approccio globale per creare una cultura di appartenenza. Ci impegniamo continuamente per creare un ambiente di lavoro più inclusivo ed egualitario attraverso strategie di reclutamento mirate, programmi innovativi di sviluppo e avanzamento di carriera.
Rappresentanza dei generi tra i dipendenti a livello globale
Gruppo etnico
Rappresentanza dei dipendenti statunitensi
Promuoviamo una cultura di appartenenza
I gruppi di risorse aziendali consentono ai nostri dipendenti di costruire relazioni, esprimere il loro senso di appartenenza e trovare il modo di supportare le attività aziendali. Abbiamo sette reti di dipendenti con 20 capitoli globali, che includono gruppi in India, Cina, Israele, Thailandia, Malesia e Filippine.
Tutti i gruppi di risorse aziendali di Western Digital sono aperti a tutti i dipendenti interessati a farne parte.
Pur consapevoli del duro lavoro che ci aspetta ogni giorno, siamo orgogliosi di aver vinto i seguenti premi quest’anno.
I migliori posti di lavoro per individui appartenenti alla comunità LGBTQ
Migliore azienda per i Millennial
La globalizzazione del bene: promuovere l’inclusione “da dentro”
A 18 anni, Kiranmai Pendyala era il tipo di studentessa che genitori dell’India meridionale sognavano di crescere.
Western Digital permette ad Aisha Alkinaey di essere sé stessa, sia nel lavoro che sul posto di lavoro.
Non è raro che colleghi o illustri ingegneri dedichino la loro carriera allo sviluppo di una specifica tecnologia.
We all have a responsibility to treat everyone with dignity and respect. This Policy expresses our commitment to providing equal opportunities and creating a workplace that is free of harassment and discrimination. Our employees know that we will support them if they speak up, letting a company resource know of any misconduct.
Western Digital does not tolerate human rights abuses, including the use of slavery, forced or child labor, in our supply chain or in any part of our business. We follow fair and ethical recruiting practices to ensure potential employees are supported and protected even before they step foot on our campuses, and we work closely with our suppliers to maintain similar practices and commitments throughout our supply chain.
Respecting and upholding human rights is a foundational aspect of how we do business. In close collaboration with the Responsible Business Alliance and the Responsible Labor Initiative, we work diligently to ensure that Western Digital employees and employees of our suppliers are provided with a working environment where they are treated with respect and dignity, and are provided with fair and safe working conditions. Our human rights and labor approach includes policies, impact assessments, due diligence, stakeholder engagement, grievance mechanisms and remedies, as explained in more detail in our sustainability reports.
Providing a safe workplace for our employees is a priority at Western Digital. We believe that safety is everyone’s business, and so we ask our employees to:
Western Digital maintains an integrated corporate quality, environmental, health and safety policy and we are committed to compliance with applicable occupational health and safety laws and regulations. We have established a global occupational health and safety management system that is applicable at all of our locations worldwide.
We establish supporting procedures at our facilities that address occupational safety, emergency preparedness, occupational illness and injury, industrial hygiene, machine safeguarding, physically demanding work, hazard communication (including access to Safety Data Sheets), and living conditions (where applicable). These policies and procedures are communicated to employees in various formats (including in-person training, web-based training, communications, postings, etc.) and are available in various languages.
We have qualified occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals who monitor our manufacturing facilities and we provide training programs on OHS practices for employees. In addition, we communicate to employees the requirements and responsibilities for safe and healthy work practices in accordance with our Company policy.
Western Digital has established safety committees at our facilities comprised of cross-functional teams of employees who meet regularly to assess the Company’s policies and processes and recommend improvements. Safety committee members work with health and safety personnel to keep track of occupational injuries, assess their root causes and recommend corrective action to avoid recurrences in the future. Committee members also conduct periodic inspections of our facilities and organize activities aimed at promoting safety within them.
Western Digital has also established Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) whose members are trained to respond to an incident (such as a fire, medical crisis, earthquake, etc.) and control its impact. ERTs assist in developing plans to organize an effective response and minimize injury and damage in the event of an incident.
Western Digital actively pursues industry-recognized certifications that provide globally accepted indicators reinforcing that our products and performance consistently meet high standards, including customer expectations and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. In support of our management systems, Western Digital conducts both internal assessments and third-party audits to evaluate its compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations and international standards.
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