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Päivitetty viimeksi 1. lokakuuta 2020
Tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä sovelletaan Western Digital Technologies, Inc. -yhtiön ja sen tytäryhtiöiden (yhdessä ”WDT”) tarjoamien verkkopalveluiden käyttöön sinun toimestasi. Näihin verkkopalveluihin sisältyy palveluita, joiden avulla voit päästä sisältöihin ja materiaaleihin sekä lähettää, ladata, tallentaa, jakaa, julkaista, välittää, näyttää tai muuten asettaa muiden saataville sisältöä ja materiaaleja (”Palvelut”). Tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön piiriin kuuluvissa Palveluissa on linkki tähän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaan käytäntöön.
Sitoudut käyttämään Palveluita vastuullisesti ja takaat ja vakuutat, että
Jos Palveluita käyttäessäsi kohtaat sisältöä tai toimintaa, jonka uskot olevan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön vastaista tai jonka muuten koet olevan sopimatonta, voit ilmoittaa asiasta ottamalla yhteyttä WDT:hen osoitteen https://support-eu.wd.com kautta tai lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT voi päivittää tai muuttaa tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä ajoittain. Hyväksymällä tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön muutokset, esimerkiksi jatkamalla Palveluiden käyttöä sen jälkeen, kun sinulle on hyvissä ajoin ilmoitettu muutoksista, suostut noudattamaan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön sovellettavia muutoksia.
Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön noudattamisen laiminlyöminen saattaa johtaa Palveluiden keskeyttämiseen ja/tai irtisanomiseen.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Sist oppdatert 1. oktober 2020
Denne policyen for akseptabel bruk styrer din bruk av nettbaserte- og relaterte tjenester og programvare som tilbys av Western Digital Technologies, Inc. og dets tilknyttede selskaper (samlet «WDT»), inkludert tjenester og programvare som gir deg tillatelse til å få tilgang til, sende inn, laste opp, lagre, dele, poste, overføre, publisere, vise eller på annen måte gjøre tilgjengelig for annet innhold og materiale («Tjenester»). Tjenester som er underlagt policyen for akseptabel bruk, vil eksplisitt referere til denne policyen for akseptabel bruk.
Du samtykker i å bruke Tjenestene på en ansvarlig måte, og du representerer og samtykker i følgende:
Hvis du oppdager innhold eller aktivitet mens du bruker Tjenestene som du mener bryter med policyen for akseptabel bruk, eller som du på andre måter mener er upassende, kan du rapportere det ved å kontakte WDT via https://support-eu.wd.com eller ved å sende en e-post til SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan oppdatere eller endre denne policyen for akseptabel bruk fra tid til annen. Ved å godta eventuelle endringer i policyen for akseptabel bruk, inkludert ved å fortsette å bruke Tjenestene etter at tilstrekkelig med varsler har blitt kommunisert til deg, samtykker du i å være bundet av slike endringer i denne policyen for akseptabel bruk.
Din manglende overholdelse av policyen for akseptabel bruk kan føre til suspensjon og/eller avslutning av Tjenestene.
上一次更新: 2020年10月1日
可接受使用政策对您使用 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.及其附属公司(统称“WDT”)提供的在线及相关服务和软件进行管理,包括可允许您访问、提交、上载、存储、共享、发帖、传播、发布、展示或者以其他方式向其他人披露内容及材料的服务和软件(“服务”)。受可接受使用政策管理的服务将明确链接至可接受使用政策。
如果您使用服务时遇到您认为违反可接受使用政策的内容或者活动,或者您发现不合适的其他内容,您可通过https://support-cn.wd.com/或者发送电邮至 SUPPORT@WDC.COM联系 WDT,将该内容上报。
WDT 可不时更新或者修订可接受使用政策。接受可接受使用政策的任何修改,包括向您提供合理通知后继续使用服务,即表示您同意受约于可接受使用政策的适用改修。
Τελευταία ενημέρωση στις 1 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Η παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης διέπει την εκ μέρους σας χρήση των ηλεκτρονικών και σχετικών υπηρεσιών και του λογισμικού που παρέχονται από την Western Digital Technologies, Inc. και τις συγγενείς εταιρείες της (συλλήβδην, η «WDT»), συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υπηρεσιών και του λογισμικού που μπορεί να σας επιτρέπουν να προσπελάζετε, υποβάλλετε, στέλνετε, αποθηκεύετε, κοινοποιείτε, αναρτάτε, μεταβιβάζετε, δημοσιεύετε, προβάλλετε ή διαθέτετε με άλλο τρόπο περιεχόμενο ή υλικά («Υπηρεσίες») σε τρίτους. Οι Υπηρεσίες, που διέπονται από την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης, θα συνδέονται ρητώς με την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης.
Συμφωνείτε να χρησιμοποιείτε τις Υπηρεσίες με υπευθυνότητα και δηλώνετε και συμφωνείτε ότι:
Εάν, κατά τη χρήση των Υπηρεσιών, εντοπίσετε περιεχόμενο ή δραστηριότητα που πιστεύετε ότι παραβιάζει την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης ή θεωρείτε ότι είναι ανάρμοστα με άλλον τρόπο, μπορείτε να το αναφέρετε επικοινωνώντας με την WDT μέσω της διαδικτυακής τοποθεσίας https://support-eu.wd.com/ ή στέλνοντας email στη διεύθυνση SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Η WDT δύναται κατά καιρούς να ενημερώνει ή να τροποποιεί την παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης. Με την αποδοχή τυχόν τροποποιήσεων στην παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης, όπως, μεταξύ άλλων, με τη συνέχιση χρήσης των Υπηρεσιών μετά την αποστολή εύλογης ειδοποίησης σε εσάς, συμφωνείτε να δεσμεύεστε από τις αντίστοιχες τροποποιήσεις στην παρούσα Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης.
Η εκ μέρους σας μη συμμόρφωση με την Πολιτική Αποδεκτής Χρήσης ενδέχεται να έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αναστολή ή/και την παύση των Υπηρεσιών.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. Oktober 2020
Diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung regeln Ihre Nutzung von Online- und zugehörigen Diensten und Software, die von Western Digital Technologies, Inc. sowie deren Tochter- oder Verbundunternehmen (im Folgenden zusammenfassend „WDT“) angeboten werden, einschließlich der Dienste und Software, mithilfe derer Sie auf Inhalte oder Materialien zugreifen, sie absenden, hochladen, speichern, teilen, posten, übertragen, veröffentlichen, anzeigen oder anderen anderweitig zur Verfügung stellen können („Dienste“). Die durch diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung geregelten Dienste beziehen sich ausdrücklich auf diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung.
Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, die Dienste verantwortungsvoll zu nutzen und sichern zu, dass;
Sollten Sie während der Nutzung der Dienste Inhalte oder Aktivitäten bemerken, die Ihrer Ansicht nach diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung verletzen oder die Sie anderweitig unangemessen halten, können Sie sie melden, in dem Sie WDT wie folgt kontaktieren https://support-de.wd.com/ oder per E-Mail an SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT ist berechtigt, die vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung jederzeit zu aktualisieren oder zu ergänzen. Durch das Annehmen von Änderungen dieser Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung, darunter durch Fortsetzung der Nutzung der vertragsgegenständlichen Dienste nach einer angemessenen Vorankündigung hierzu Ihnen gegenüber, erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis, an die Geltung der betreffenden Änderungen der vorliegenden Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung gebunden zu sein.
Ihr Versäumnis, diese Richtlinien zur akzeptablen Nutzung einzuhalten, kann die Aussetzung und/oder Kündigung der Dienste zur Folge haben.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Laatst bijgewerkt op 1 oktober 2020
Dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik is van toepassing op uw gebruik van online en gerelateerde diensten en software die door Western Digital Technologies, Inc. en zijn gelieerde ondernemingen (gezamenlijk 'WDT') worden aangeboden, met inbegrip van diensten en software waarmee u toegang kunt krijgen tot inhoud en materialen of deze kunt indienen, uploaden, opslaan, delen, posten, verzenden, publiceren, weergeven of anderszins beschikbaar stellen aan anderen ('Diensten'). Bij de beschrijving van Diensten die onder dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik vallen, zal uitdrukkelijk naar dit beleid worden verwezen.
U stemt ermee in om de Diensten op verantwoorde wijze te gebruiken en u verklaart en gaat akkoord met het volgende:
Als u tijdens het gebruik van de Diensten op inhoud of een activiteit stoot die volgens u in strijd is met dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik of die u anderszins ongepast vindt, kunt u dit melden door contact op te nemen met WDT via https://support-eu.wd.com/ of door te mailen naar SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT kan dit Beleid voor aanvaardbaar gebruik van tijd tot tijd bijwerken of wijzigen. Door wijzigingen van dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik te aanvaarden, wat onder meer het geval is als u de Diensten na het verstrijken van een redelijke kennisgevingstermijn blijft gebruiken, gaat u ermee akkoord gebonden te zijn aan de toepasselijke wijzigingen van dit Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik.
Als u het Beleid voor acceptabel gebruik niet naleeft, kan dat ertoe leiden dat de Diensten worden opgeschort en/of beëindigd.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
עודכנה לאחרונה ב-1 באוקטובר, 2020. מדיניות זו נכתבה בלשון זכר מטעמי נוחות בלבד והיא מיועדת לגברים ולנשים כאחד.
'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו מסדירה את השימוש שלך בתוכנות ובשירותים מקוונים וקשורים המוצעים על-ידי Western Digital Technologies, Inc. והחברות המסונפות לה (WDT), לרבות תוכנות ושירותים שעשויים לאפשר לך לבצע גישה אל, שליחה, העלאה, אחסון, שיתוף, רישום, שידור, פרסום, הצגה או הנגשה באופן אחר לאחרים של תוכן וחומרים (ה'שירותים'). השירותים שאינם מוסדרים על-פי 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו יקושרו אליה במפורש.
אתה מסכים להשתמש ב'שירותים' באופן אחראי ומצהיר ומסכים כי:
אם במהלך השימוש ב'שירותים' אתה נתקל בתוכן או בפעילות שלדעתך מפרים את 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו, או שמסיבה אחרת אינם הולמים לדעתך, באפשרותך לדווח על כך באמצעות פניה ל-WDT דרך האתר https://support-eu.wd.com או על-ידי שליחת דוא"ל לכתובת SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT רשאית לעדכן או לשנות את 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו מעת לעת. הסכמתך לכל שינוי ב'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו, לרבות על ידי המשך השימוש ב'שירותים' לאחר שנמסרה לך הודעה זמן סביר מראש, מהווה את הסכמתך להיות מחויב על-פי השינויים המתאימים ל'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' הזו.
אי ציות שלך לתנאי 'מדיניות השימוש הנאות' עשוי להוביל להשעיית ה'שירותים' ו/או לסיומם.
Naposledy změněno: 1. října, 2020
Tyto Zásady přijatelného používání upravují vaše používání online služeb a souvisejících služeb a softwaru nabízených společností Western Digital Technologies, Inc. a jejími přidruženými subjekty (společně dále jen „WDT“), včetně služeb a softwaru, které vám mohou umožňovat přístup, odesílání, nahrávání, ukládání, sdílení, zveřejňování, přenášení, publikování, zobrazování nebo jiné zpřístupňování obsahu a materiálů ostatním (dále jen „Služby“). Služby, které se řídí těmito Zásadami přijatelného používání, budou přímo odkazovat na tyto Zásady přijatelného používání.
Souhlasíte, že budete Služby využívat odpovědně, a stvrzujete a souhlasíte s tím, že:
Pokud během používání Služeb narazíte na obsah nebo činnost, které jsou podle vás porušením těchto Zásad přijatelného používání nebo které jsou podle vás jinak nevhodné, můžete je nahlásit společnosti WDT na stránce https://support-cz.wd.com/ nebo zasláním e-mailu na adresu SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
Společnost WDT může tyto Zásady přijatelného používání čas od času aktualizovat nebo měnit. Tím, že akceptujete jakékoli změny těchto Zásad přijatelného používání, včetně toho, že budete pokračovat ve využívání Služeb po uplynutí přiměřené výzvy, která je vám poskytnuta, souhlasíte s tím, že budete vázáni příslušnými změnami těchto Zásad přijatelného používání.
Nedodržení těchto Zásad přijatelného používání z vaší strany může mít za následek pozastavení a/nebo ukončení Služeb.
最終更新日 2020年10月 1日
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