Subject to the exclusions below, products purchased online directly from Western Digital can be returned within 30 days from the date of shipment.
Only products that were purchased online directly from Western Digital can be returned. Any products purchased from an authorized reseller must be returned to the reseller and are subject to their respective terms and conditions.
Exclusions: (i) Software once it was made available to you by sending you a link for downloading or a license key via email or other electronic delivery method or for which instructions to download (including from a third-party platform) have been provided to you and (ii) any products which we inform you may not be returned.
To start a return, visit Returns & Cancellations. You will need to provide your email address and order number to get started.
Once your return is submitted, Western Digital will generate a pre-paid shipping label that should be used to ship back your items. Your returned items must be in as-new condition, in the original or similar packaging with the packing slip, with all accessories and manuals included. If the above conditions are not met, your return will be considered incomplete. The package will be returned to you without a refund. We will not accept, or process returns without a valid Return Number. Visit Returns & Cancellations to check the status of your return anytime.
Western Digital must receive the return within 10 days after a Return Number has been issued. The Return Number is valid for 10 days only and will expire on the 11th day after the date of issuance, at which time any returns will be refused.