We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We're making changes to how you buy HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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We’re updating our support process for HDD and flash products from the Western Digital family of brands.
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Päivitetty viimeksi 1. lokakuuta 2020
Tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä sovelletaan Western Digital Technologies, Inc. -yhtiön ja sen tytäryhtiöiden (yhdessä ”WDT”) tarjoamien verkkopalveluiden käyttöön sinun toimestasi. Näihin verkkopalveluihin sisältyy palveluita, joiden avulla voit päästä sisältöihin ja materiaaleihin sekä lähettää, ladata, tallentaa, jakaa, julkaista, välittää, näyttää tai muuten asettaa muiden saataville sisältöä ja materiaaleja (”Palvelut”). Tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön piiriin kuuluvissa Palveluissa on linkki tähän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaan käytäntöön.
Sitoudut käyttämään Palveluita vastuullisesti ja takaat ja vakuutat, että
Jos Palveluita käyttäessäsi kohtaat sisältöä tai toimintaa, jonka uskot olevan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön vastaista tai jonka muuten koet olevan sopimatonta, voit ilmoittaa asiasta ottamalla yhteyttä WDT:hen osoitteen https://support-eu.wd.com kautta tai lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT voi päivittää tai muuttaa tätä Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevaa käytäntöä ajoittain. Hyväksymällä tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön muutokset, esimerkiksi jatkamalla Palveluiden käyttöä sen jälkeen, kun sinulle on hyvissä ajoin ilmoitettu muutoksista, suostut noudattamaan tämän Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön sovellettavia muutoksia.
Hyväksyttävää käyttöä koskevan käytännön noudattamisen laiminlyöminen saattaa johtaa Palveluiden keskeyttämiseen ja/tai irtisanomiseen.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting any modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy, including, by continuing to use the Services after reasonable notice is provided to you, you are agreeing to be bound by the applicable modifications to this Acceptable Use Policy.
Your failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services.
Last Updated October 1, 2020
This Acceptable Use Policy governs your use of online and related services and software offered by Western Digital Technologies, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, “WDT”), including services and software that may allow you to access, submit, upload, store, share, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available to others content and materials (“Services”). Services that are governed by this Acceptable Use Policy will expressly link to this Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree to use the Services responsibly, and you represent and agree that:
If while using the Services, you encounter content or activity you believe is in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy, or that you otherwise find inappropriate, you may report it by contacting WDT through https://support-en.wd.com/ or by sending an email to SUPPORT@WDC.COM.
WDT may update or modify this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time. By accepting