뛰어난 제어 기능.
제어 기능은 사용자의 선택에 따라 달라집니다. 조금 공유하거나 많이 공유할 수 있고, 공유하지 않을 수도 있습니다. 선택은 사용자의 몫이며, 이 점이 가장 중요합니다.
뛰어난 제어 기능.
제어 기능은 사용자의 선택에 따라 달라집니다. 조금 공유하거나 많이 공유할 수 있고, 공유하지 않을 수도 있습니다. 선택은 사용자의 몫이며, 이 점이 가장 중요합니다.
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
- 如果您想访问、更改或删除您的个人信息,请联系我们的隐私团队。
- 根据您的居住所在地,您在个人信息的访问、更改和删除方面可能具有不同的权利。
- 为了保护您的个人信息,我们可能会采取额外的步骤来验证您的身份。
- 如果您要就您个人信息的使用方面关闭您的帐户,请联系我们的隐私团队。
- 您也可以选择限制我们在我们的产品和服务(包括我们的应用程序)中对您的个人信息的处理。
- 我们的某些产品和服务(包括我们的应用程序)具有允许您选择加入或退出参与的分析程序。这些分析程序会收集分析信息以帮助我们改进产品和服务,您可以在帐户设置下调整自己的选择。
- 我们使用 Cookie 和类似技术来提供、保护和改进我们的产品和服务,例如通过个性化内容、提供和评估广告、了解用户行为以及提供更安全的体验。在我们使用 Cookie 方面,您可以通过单击我们网站底部的“Cookie 首选项”来调整您对我们使用cookies的选择。
- 请访问我们的 Cookie 声明了解详情。
Αίτημα πρόσβασης/διαγραφής των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας.
- Εάν επιθυμείτε να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση, να διορθώσετε ή να διαγράψετε τα προσωπικά δεδομένα σας, επικοινωνήστε με την Ομάδα Ιδιωτικού Απορρήτου της εταιρείας μας.
- Ενδέχεται να έχετε διαφορετικά δικαιώματα πρόσβασης, διόρθωσης και διαγραφής των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας, ανάλογα με τον τόπο κατοικίας σας.
- Για την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας, ενδέχεται να ζητήσουμε την ολοκλήρωση πρόσθετων βημάτων επαλήθευσης της ταυτότητάς σας.
Διαγραφή του λογαριασμού σας.
- Εάν επιθυμείτε να διαγράψετε τον λογαριασμό σας, αναφορικά με τη χρήση των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας, επικοινωνήστε με την Ομάδα Ιδιωτικού Απορρήτου της εταιρείας μας.
Προσαρμόστε τις ρυθμίσεις του ιδιωτικού απορρήτου σας.
- Επίσης, μπορείτε να περιορίσετε τη χρήση των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας από μέρους μας, στο πλαίσιο της παροχής των προϊόντων και των υπηρεσιών μας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εφαρμογών μας.
- Ορισμένα προϊόντα και υπηρεσίες μας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εφαρμογών μας, διαθέτουν προγράμματα analytics που σας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να συναινείτε ή να απέχετε από τη συμμετοχή σε αυτά. Αυτά τα προγράμματα analytics συλλέγουν πληροφορίες ανάλυσης δεδομένων που μας βοηθούν να βελτιώνουμε τα προϊόντα και τις υπηρεσίες μας. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε τις επιλογές σας σχετικά με αυτά στις ρυθμίσεις του λογαριασμού σας.
- Χρησιμοποιούμε cookies και συναφείς τεχνολογίες για να παρέχουμε, να προστατεύουμε και να βελτιώνουμε τα προϊόντα και τις υπηρεσίες μας, με μεθόδους όπως η εξατομίκευση του περιεχομένου, η προσφορά και η μέτρηση διαφημίσεων, η κατανόηση της συμπεριφοράς των χρηστών και η παροχή μιας πιο ασφαλούς εμπειρίας. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε τις επιλογές σας, αναφορικά με τη χρήση των cookies από μέρους μας, κάνοντας κλικ στην επιλογή «Προτιμήσεις Cookies» στο κάτω μέρος των ιστοτόπων μας.
- Επισκεφθείτε τη Δήλωσή μας περί Cookies , για να μάθετε περισσότερα.
Για να ζητήσετε πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό σας ή διαγραφή του λογαριασμού σας
Zugriff auf/Löschung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten beantragen.
- Wenn Sie Ihre personenbezogenen Daten einsehen, berichtigen oder löschen lassen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Privacy Team.
- Je nachdem, in welchem Land Sie leben, können die Rechte hinsichtlich Zugriff auf, Berichtigung und Löschung personenbezogener Daten variieren.
- Zum Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten können wir zusätzliche Maßnahmen ergreifen, um Ihre Identität zu überprüfen.
Konto schließen.
- Wenn Sie Ihr Konto im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten schließen lassen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Privacy Team.
Passen Sie Ihre Datenschutzeinstellungen an.
- Sie können den Umgang mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten innerhalb unserer Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Apps einschränken.
- Einige unserer Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Apps stützen sich auf Analyseprogramme, bei denen Sie sich für oder gegen eine Teilnahme entscheiden können. Diese Analyseprogramme erfassen Informationen, die uns dabei helfen, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern. Sie können Ihre persönliche Auswahl in Ihren Kontoeinstellungen anpassen.
- Wir nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technologien, um unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen bereitzustellen, zu schützen und zu verbessern, beispielsweise zur Personalisierung von Inhalten, zur Bereitstellung und Anpassung von Werbeanzeigen, zur Einsichtnahme in das Anwenderverhalten und zur Ermöglichung einer sichereren Anwendererfahrung. Sie können Ihre Präferenzen im Hinblick auf unseren Einsatz von Cookies durch Klicken auf „Cookie-Einstellungen“ unten auf unseren Websites entsprechend anpassen.
- Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren Cookie-Richtlinien.
Um Zugriff auf oder die Löschung Ihres Kontos zu beantragen,
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Verzoek om toegang/verwijdering van je persoonlijke gegevens.
- Als je toegang wilt tot je persoonsgegevens of deze wilt corrigeren of verwijderen, neem je contact op met ons Privacyteam.
- Afhankelijk van waar je woont, heb je mogelijk verschillende rechten met betrekking tot toegang, correctie en verwijdering van je persoonsgegevens.
- Ter bescherming van je persoonsgegevens ondernemen we mogelijk extra stappen om je identiteit te verifiëren.
Je account sluiten.
- Als je je account wilt sluiten in verband met het gebruik van je persoonsgegevens, neem je contact op met ons Privacyteam.
Pas je privacy-instellingen aan.
- Je kunt ervoor kiezen te beperken wat we doen met je persoonsgegevens binnen onze producten en services, met inbegrip van onze apps.
- Sommige van onze producten en services, met inbegrip van onze apps, zijn uitgerust met analyseprogramma’s. Jij kunt je aan- of afmelden voor deelname hieraan. Deze analyseprogramma’s verzamelen analysegegevens om ons te helpen onze producten en services te verbeteren en jij kunt je keuze aanpassen in je accountinstellingen.
- We gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare technologieën om onze producten en services te leveren, beschermen en verbeteren. Bijvoorbeeld door het personaliseren van content, het aanbieden en meten van advertenties, het begrijpen van gebruikersgedrag en het bieden van een veiligere gebruikservaring. Je kunt je keuze met betrekking tot ons gebruik van cookies aanpassen door op “Voorkeuren voor cookies” onder aan onze sites te klikken.
- Bezoek onze Cookieverklaring voor meer informatie.
Om toegang te vragen of je account te verwijderen
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
Adjust your privacy settings.
- You may also choose to limit what we do with your personal information within our products and services, including our apps.
- Some of our products and services, including our apps, have analytics programs that allow you to opt-in or opt-out of participation. These analytics programs collect analytics information to help us improve our products and services, and you can adjust your choice under your account settings.
- We use cookies and similar technologies to provide, protect and improve our products and services, such as by personalizing content, offering and measuring advertisements, understanding user behavior and providing a safer experience. You can adjust your choice with respect to our use of cookies by clicking “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of our sites.
- Please visit our Cookie Statement to learn more.
To request access or delete your account
Request access/deletion of your personal information.
- If you wish to access, correct or delete your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.
- You may have different rights regarding access, correction and deletion of your personal information, depending on where you live.
- To protect your personal information, we may take additional steps to verify your identity.
Close your account.
- If you would like to close your account in relation to the use of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Team.